Red Micelio Federation


Your support is essential for Federación Red Micelio to meet its internal guidelines and sustain its mission of connecting and strengthening associations committed to the responsible and respectful use of plants, fungi, and other entheogenic principles. Donations help us promote ethical practices, provide advice, and carry out educational and risk-reduction activities. With your help, we create a safe and accessible environment for all our members.

Federación Red Micelio exists to cultivate a resilient, interconnected network that sustains and celebrates our natural and cultural heritage. Your donations are essential in supporting this mission: they allow us to preserve sacred ecosystems, empower local communities, and develop educational programs that spread awareness of our shared values. By contributing, you join us in a shared commitment to protect and honor the earth’s resources and the cultural traditions that cherish them. Together, we can create lasting impact and ensure a thriving future for generations to come.